Tickets & Scholarships

Tickets & Scholarships

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Why charge for an online conference?

NumFOCUS is the non-profit organization that fiscally sponsors 33 Open Source Projects and organizes community-driven educational programs for users and developers of open source scientific tools, including PyData. Donations from PyData conferences account for a significant portion of our annual operating budget and enable us to continue giving back to the open source community.

While PyData Global has no costs for venue or catering, there are still costs associated with bringing the event online. We also need to continue paying fixed costs to keep NumFOCUS healthy so we can keep PyData alive, as well as continue supporting the open source community.

For this reason, we have chosen to sell tickets with a pay-what-you-can pricing model for individuals and a fixed rate for corporations. We hope you understand the difficult situation we are currently in and can support us during this time so that we can keep supporting you in the future.

I can’t afford to pay for a ticket. Do I have any options?

Scholarships were granted to a limited number of attendees from underrepresented backgrounds in our community, based on an application. Beyond a ticket fee waiver, scholars will have special access to select conference sessions and opportunities designed to enrich their experience.

Scholarships have already been granted and we are no longer taking applications.

Pricing and ticket purchases

Please answer the questions below to see pricing and buy your ticket.

Which of the following categories best describes you?