From 0 to Virtual Assistant (now with Human Handoff!)


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Learn how to build a virtual assitant using Rasa, a Python framework, and how to connect it to Slack in order to facilitate human handoff. You’ll get an introduction to Rasa; its components and workflow, in order to get a hands on experience. Through API connection and webhook interaction, your imagination is the limit for virtual assistants implementation potential!


Karen Palacio

Karen is an Argentinian developer. She’s from Córdoba.

She admires abstractions’ power and how everything flows from the inside out, in a feedback loop. Connecting with the different layers of latent abstractions we are guided to the possible implementations in the most natural/joyous of ways!

Karen has a mixed background, having studied both Computer Science and Visual Arts at college. She’s currently starting her journey through the Data Science field thanks to UNC’s Data Science master program. She also currently works at Kunan’s AI area, where she does mostly python stuff and some UI/frontend.

Karen is Free Software advocate, and does a lot of proselytizing locally; contribuiting to FOSS projects, and organizing and attending FOSS events. In her free time she explores digital arts + creative coding: to her programming can be more than feeding a money machine. You could say she is a computer hippie and that hacking is a way of being.

Florencia Alonso

Florencia is a biomedical engineering advanced student. Passionate about software development and artificial intelligence, she is currently working with virtual assistants.

Brandon Janes

Freedom of information journalist-turned data scientist, Brandon is interested in bringing data to life through machine learning with Python. The focus of his work is building dialogue systems with state-of-the-art NLP tools, such as Rasa. As a writer he is interested in promoting Free and Open-Source Software for machine learning. Originally from Austin, Texas he currently lives in Córdoba, Argentina.